Erika Macauley | Online Business Manager + Integrator

One-Off Short Term Projects

Not ready to hire an OBM yet, or maybe you just need help with one big launch? Finally feeling ready to hire that operations coordinator or admin VA and want to hand off the hiring process to a pro? Want a point person for your staff so you can finally go on holiday?

I can help you with one-off projects like a hiring project, course or product launches, workflow/automation set-up, or getting all your SOP ducks in a row.

Launch that course, upgrade your client experience, or sort out the back end of your business – all without dropping the ball on the important, money-making work only you can do.

Bringing me in for a one-off short term project means:

So, if those things aren’t your raspberry jam, trust me when I say they’re 100% mine. I’m the Marie Kondo of the business world.

Projects range from $750 – $2500+

Sorry, my friends - my current client roster is full. Hit me up if you wanna get on the waitlist!


Ok friend, I hear ya. These projects book months in advance and take 1-3+ months to complete. 

If you need it now or fast, grab an Integrator Intensive VIP day instead.

Want a little more Erika in your life? Same, bro.

You can also work with me as your long-term sidekick + OBM{CURRENTLY FULL}

Daniel Lamb

“Erika turned what used to be 6-8 hours of work into 1 hour or less.

Before she helped me transition to a new CRM, I was spending hours (plural) creating and sending custom proposals, contracts and emails for each new client project. Not a great way to live! She really knows her shit when it comes to online business management and systems.  I also got some huge customer experience upgrades along the way that would have been difficult for me to implement alone.”